Dahlia Spektakel A couple of my artworks Magical Flowers to be seen at the wonderful garden of Marieke. https://www.mariekenolsen.nl/ 2023, 2-3 september Tuin Marieke Nolsen. Treekerweg 11, Leusden
Dahlia Spektakel A couple of my artworks Magical Flowers to be seen at the wonderful garden of Marieke. https://www.mariekenolsen.nl/ 2023, 2-3 september Tuin Marieke Nolsen. Treekerweg 11, Leusden
Galerie DNK Proud to participate in the Spring Exhibition of Gallery DNK https://galerie-dnk.nl/
Kunstkijkdagen Alma Huis Amersfoort https://almahuis.nl/ https://www.kunstkijkroute.nl/
RietveldPaviljoen Kunstkijkroute Kunstkijkroute Amersfoort https://www.kunstkijkroute.nl/ https://www.033fotostad.com/exposities/
GALERIE DNK, DORST Spring Exhibition
Nationale Kunstdagen
EUROP ART FAIR Westergas Amsterdam 3rd Prize AUDIENCE AWARD https://europartfair.com/participants/2022/
First Art Fair Amsterdam http://www.firstartfair.nl/
Magical 1 in Meander Medical Center Amersfoort I offered this artwork for the healthcare staff and patients who deserve extra support, hope and colour during Covid period.
Annual Dutch Art Fair, Confectiecentrum Amsterdam 1st PRIZE AUDIENCE AWARD https://www.adaf.nl/prijswinnaars/2020/
Opening SOLO Exhibiton Kunst aan de Muur Stadscafé Amersfoort https://stadscafeamersfoort.nl/evenement/kunst-aan-de-muur-meta-andre-de-la-porte/